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Effective Self-Leadership Is Intuitive Living

What Exactly is Intuition?

I’m no expert at explaining intuition but I’m fascinated by it. I’ve been studying the topic to deepen my wordless understanding of it because I think it’s hugely relevant to effective self-leadership and success. Teaching others to trust themselves is a very big part of my work, so, this means that we’ve gotta go there - we’ve got to address intuition. I caught up with Intuitive Life Purpose Coach and Spiritual Guide April May Bellia and I asked her for her definition of intuition and she said, “Intuition is this magic, this gold that we all have. This little treasure that we all have within us. What does it look like? It’s going to look different for all people. Intuition can come as a gut feeling. Intuition can come from a symbol or a sign outside of yourself. What makes us stop and notice? Normally we would just keep on walking. When something grabs your attention in a way that makes you notice it, this is your intuition talking to you in signs and symbols that you recognize. But, definitely this is a small silent whisper. We talk about the little niggle, a poke, a nudge, like ‘Hey! Hey you! Look over here!’. You don’t even know why, and you don’t have to know why, but you turn around.” I think we can all relate to varying degrees that we’ve sensed our intuition emerge in our own lives. I remember I once dated a guy and sometimes when we were alone together my knees used to shake. He turned out to be full of deceit and anger. My body knew before my heart did. Tapping into the power of our intuition can be an abstract thing to teach but there are a number of strategies that we can learn to better connect to our intuition and ways we can support ourselves better so that we have the confidence we need to act on our intuition.

"Once you discover your intuitive gifts and notice the synchronicities life brings you, you start to gain trust in yourself."

Self-Esteem and Intuition - There's a Correlation

You know what else comes up when we look at intuition? Self-esteem and self-trust. You know what I have discovered? These two go hand-in-hand and are proportionally related. When one is high, so is the other - in a manner of speaking. When we have high self-esteem we tend to trust ourselves more. When we have high self-esteem, and we trust ourselves, we are more likely to be attuned to our intuition and tapping into it regularly. When we are tapping into our intuition, feeling confident, trusting ourselves and taking action, well hot damn, watch out! Conversely, when our self-esteem is low, we don’t really trust ourselves, and when we don’t trust ourselves, it becomes very difficult to allow our intuition to guide us or to take action. April and I connected on this topic as well because I was interested to know, in her experience with her clients, does she see the correlation? She agreed indeed this is the case and offered, “Once you discover your intuitive gifts and notice the synchronicities life brings you, you start to gain trust in yourself” and added that once we learn to live intuitively and follow our internal guidance, our self-esteem and self-love magnifies exponentially.

Loosen Your Grip on Goals to Receive Intuitive Hits

I expect to succeed with my goals. How can I make such a bold statement you ask? Because I have accomplished most goals that I have set for myself. I have demonstrated to myself time and time again that, if I move forward with intention, focus and take action, I can succeed. As a result, I have learned I can trust in myself. Here’s the thing though, I also expect to fail at my goals. This is because the more I try the more chances I will have to “fail” and while I would say I have a healthy relationship with failure, I’m not a big fan of the ‘F’ word - FAIL - at all. I tend to use words like, I flubbed that, that was flawed, I need to clean that up, I wasn’t successful, or, I have much more to learn about this before I master it”. I also expect that the goals I have now might morph and change along the way and I will bend with the wind and adjust as I go. I’ve learned to carry a humble knowingness that the outcome might be different than what I first imagined it will be and this could mean a complete absence of accomplishing that goal at all. I know that some of the things that I want to do will be hard for me at times, just as some of the things I have already done have been hard, but I know I will persist because that's what I do, I persist. I know that when I persist I will be rewarded - not because it's me, or, because I am anything special - but because this is how success works. Persistence is certainly part of the recipe for success. But the other important part of this recipe is understanding that while you are required to be laser-focused on your goals and disciplined, you also need to be open to adjusting that focus along the way because what you start out thinking might be right for you could start to feel all wrong, requiring you to consider a change in course. So it’s this balancing act really, something like yin and yang, a teetering between narrowed focus and openness. I’ve had a death-grip on goals in the past

and the results are devastating when we fail at these because along the way we’ve completely blocked out all of the information that our intuition and life had been feeding us all along and we arrive stunned and shocked at the realization that it's over. I’ve learned a lot about pursuing goals over the years, and one of the fundamental lesions I’ve learned is not to over control the journey. Be nimble, be open, listen and pay attention to the attention to your intuition.

"While not everyone succeeds, every able-bodied person is capable of succeeding, and the best start you can give yourself is to align your actions and mindset with what it is that you want to succeed at doing."

Support Yourself to Reduce the Struggle

I think it is key that we expect to succeed with our goals and we can have this kind of confidence once we learn about all of the variables we can influence along the way to support ourselves. First, we all need to do away with the idea that success is not for everyone or that it is only for “special” people. While not everyone succeeds, every able-bodied person is capable of succeeding, and the best start you can give yourself is to align your actions and mindset with what it is that you want to succeed at doing. A lot of people want a better life, but they want it while they sit on the couch and binge-watch Netflix - there’s no action. Now, I can get in on a little Netflix action myself, for sure, no one’s knocking some downtime with Netflix here, but, is there uptime as well? The principles of success will work for you as long as you work the principles and taking action is a definitely a principle of success. This is what I teach. I also teach people how to listen to themselves, tap into their Higher Self (cause I wanna ‘Put Em High’), start taking better care of themselves, get their stress under control, get their mindset in order, and start supporting themselves, so they can grow and cultivate their self-esteem and achieve their goals. The connections and interactions of each of these variables can be incredibly powerful once you understand not just how to support yourself with them but that without this kind of support, you will struggle.

You Are Co-Creating Your Life

I believe, and I think know at a cellular level, that spiritual practices, or an intentional reaching for a higher consciousness, is what provides the kind of support we all need to succeed. The ultimate foundation for anyone of any age to thrive in life, experience a more joyful and more peaceful life, and truly self-actualize, comes from within. Spiritual practices help us to discover and know ourselves better. In her book, You are a Badass, Jen Sincero speaks about this too. She writes about the importance of incorporating a form of “spiritual gym” into your life, a series of daily rituals that carve out You time, time to get connected with yourself, your ‘Why’ and create space in your life so you can create and receive. Now, some of you might be asking, “What the heck is she talkin’ about, ‘space to create and receive?’”. I’ll tell you what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the fact that every moment you’re alive is an opportunity for you to create your life because you are the co-creator of your life. You and I both know that you don’t have full and complete creative control over your future. I mean, you can’t just decide to have a deeply romantic relationship with Dwayne The Rock Johnson, because you have no control over what Dwayne Johnson does and likely will never meet Dwayne. But, you have a hell of a lot of say over who you do have relationships with, right? In fact, you have 100% control over that so, yes, you are co-creating your romantic life among many other aspects of your life. When you “receive”, you accept and expect that other forces are at play co-creating your life right along with you and you should be paying attention to how it steers and supports you. I’ve encountered people that aren’t ready to hear that they are 100% responsible for their lives because how we respond to life (and FYI not responding is a response) defines the kind of life we have. When you respond, you are creating.

Get to Know Yourself

Some people who don’t already practice some forms of spirituality, or have studied spirituality, find it very hard to relate to. It is often misunderstood and one common misunderstanding is that spirituality is religion. I define spirituality as practices that bring you a deeper understanding of yourself, others and life. Of course, it is so much more than this, it’s about connecting with meaning, purpose and the idea that life is more than just a sensory experience, there’s just more to it. Now, you can go right ahead and start Googling “spirituality” to dig a little deeper. The point is, that it isn’t religion. But, I have known of people deepening their connection to their religion through spirituality.

A well-rounded ‘spiritual gym’ practice includes daily meditation and/or mindfulness exercises, yoga and/or physical exercise, journaling and mindset work - all of which allow you to tap into your greatest faculties and receive from the ‘Divine Source’ so that you can lead your best life. The ‘Divine Source’ is essentially the greater forces beyond you - some call this God - some call it the Universe, it’s different for everyone and that is OK. These aforementioned forms of spirituality are quite common-place among people who are seeking a deepened relationship with themselves and their conscious awareness.

What Does This All Mean?

So, I think you’re getting the picture here, it’s all tightly woven together - intuition, self-esteem, self-confidence (yes this is different from self-esteem, self-confidence is really about feeling competent, self-esteem is about feeling worthy) and spirituality. These aspects of ourselves are all interconnected and need the attention they deserve from each and every one of us to bring them into an optimal state if we want to up-level our lives. As we move through life, from moment to moment, intuition rests there in the background. It’s like this deep intelligence. I’ve heard some spiritual teachers describe intuition as the enlightened part of ourselves who ‘know’ speaking to us. I’m drawn to this belief personally because I have come to experience this ‘knowingness’ and it definitely feels very special and quite divine honestly, like someone I trust who knows the way is subtly leading me along.

Your Self-Esteem Matters

Self-esteem affects every aspect of our lives. When we have a low opinion of ourselves we become disillusioned actually. We create stories about ourselves and about life that are false and allow these stories to become our reality; this creates barriers for us and our self-esteem suffers. Once we learn this and start to pull back the veil, we start to see things very differently....we start to see so much possibility. This is why spiritual teachers and people who work and teach in the human potential industry all seem to be saying the same things! It’s because we have figured this out. We have figured out that our illusions hold us back because we see flaws instead of power and capability and this breakthrough is often what separates people who are feeling fulfilled, hopeful and content in life with those who don’t.

Self-Esteem and Self-Trust

As a young person, much like many people I think, I received a lot of messaging that I was not good enough or not likeable. As an adult, I've had to come to terms with these stories and learn how to love myself and stop identifying with these stories. Without self-esteem most people feel powerless, incapable and unhappy. I’m of the opinion that working on your self-esteem is and should be a major point of focus for most people above all else. When your self-esteem is low or in question, many other aspects of your life are impacted, like your relationships, your finances, your mental health, your physical health and your ability to meet the challenges of everyday life. One major correlation is that when your self-esteem is low, it can be very difficult to trust yourself.

When you don’t trust yourself it becomes difficult to trust your intuition and tap into this powerful resource inside of you. When you really honour and believe that you have everything that you need inside of you to succeed, your ability to truly tap into and trust your intuition gets easier as a result. Banishing self-doubt is a daily practice for me because I am often living on the edge of my comfort zone. Some days I struggle with this - but, fortunately, self-doubt does not prevail; I’ve got more power over it than it has over me and here’s how you can get there too:

Show up for Yourself - Keep Your Commitments and Promises

I’ve been working on this for over 20+ years at various levels of intensity and commitment. Where did all of my persistence come from? Well, I wasn’t doted on as a child. In fact, I would say that it was quite the opposite. So, as a young child I had to learn to be very crafty and independent. I had to rely on myself for most things and this served me well into adulthood. This kind of, go outside and play with some sticks upbringing made me gritty and resourceful, and while it comes with some baggage, I’m grateful for how it has shaped me. I was taught by my Mother, who had to master complete self-reliance by the age of 15, “Go after what you want, because no one else is going to do it for you”. So, I learned to get out there, rise to each challenge, and as I did this over the years I earned my own trust. You see, I haven’t always made the best choices or the right choices, no one can say that they have, can they? But, I’ve always had integrity because I’ve consistently tried to do the right thing….eventually….even when it was hard. Sometimes this meant making really difficult decisions and facing the consequences head on, and in one case this meant breaking someone’s heart and breaking my own heart in the process too. But, because it was the right decision, it is what I did. I’ve always tried to course-correct after learning I had made a mistake and learn from my mistakes.

Every time you show up for yourself you show yourself that you can be trusted. Just like the other people in our lives, if they show you that they can keep their word and show up in life for you and for themselves, you learn you can trust them and count on them. Typically those people represent a small number in our lives, right? Have you ever known someone who always did what they said they were going to do so when the day came when they told you they were going to do something you considered hugely big, brave, exciting and hard, you said to yourself, “Of course they are going to do this hugely brave, exciting and hard thing because they are a hugely brave and exciting person who does hard things.” You find yourself saying to this person, “I’m so excited for you. I know you can pull this off. I believe in you!”, because you do really believe in that person.

Conversely, there are a number of people in our lives who we really don’t trust completely because, in one way or another, they have shown us that they can’t be counted on or trusted to follow through on their word. I hope you can see where I am going with this. We know who we can and can’t trust and don’t think for a second you and your track record are excluded from your own evaluation process. There can be no greater way to support yourself than to keep your commitments to yourself and to stay in your own corner.

Let Go of the Past

With all that said, what is KEY here, and I want you to listen-up! This is important! Do not sit there and feel shame and blame because you’ve let yourself down in the past. The past is over and all we all have is now. The future hasn’t happened yet, all we have is now, and every moment in the present is ours to do what we want with, this is where your power lies. So please, if you’re feeling deflated after contemplating your past, be gentle on yourself, be kind, be understanding, because in most cases, we did the best we could with the knowledge we had at that time. Nothing good will ever come of regret or shame about the past and, FYI, you are not the biggest mistake you’ve ever made. When we know better, we do better.

Now, let’s not let this opportunity pass without acknowledging something critical here. If you do find yourself feeling regret about how you could have stepped-up-to-the-plate for yourself more thus far, I want you to just acknowledge that. Just sit with that as a witness, not with all the shame. If there is a part of you that you let down just know that this part of you, the one that feels let down, this is your Higher Self - the most sacred part of you - who wants the best for you. I’m not talking about the critical part of you that takes no time berating you over your “faults” and “failures”....not that part, oh no no, that is definitely not the part, and yes, we have many parts! The part of you that wants to follow through, who knows how to follow through, to bravely show up, to be authentic and simply-just-be, this is your Higher Self. Then, there is the part of us that makes the choices and physically commits to action or inaction. These parts of ourselves weigh in all the time and feed us opinions and advice as a result. We carry with us the ideas of others from our life experiences that show up in our minds in the form of judgement and self-criticism. When we let ourselves down, we lose confidence in ourselves and it becomes difficult to feel the confidence that we need to take brave action or to trust the decisions we make. Our intuition, this “inner knowing”, is part of our Higher Self and without trust in ourselves and our abilities we dismiss it. We literally ignore our intuition and when we do this, we feel bad.

Learn to Distinguish Between Intuition and Other Thoughts

I don’t need to convince you how busy and tumultuous our minds can be. There are many ways we use our minds and many ways our minds are simply on auto-pilot running the show, much to our aggravation, dismay and sometimes even our torture. Taking time to understand why we have these thoughts and what value we should and shouldn’t place on these thoughts, and to learn the difference between these thoughts and the messages we get from our intuition, is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself. While it can be a bit abstract and somewhat difficult to understand these nuances, the value once you make these connections is tremendous!! Many people don’t realize that we can learn to curb our thoughts, we can also learn to just witness our thoughts instead of identifying with them and the biggest of all I would say is the fact that we can learn to choose different thoughts and this includes reframing things so as to develop new perspectives. Like the lenses on prescription glasses, the prescription on our metaphorical lenses that we use to see and experience our world are unique to us and formed by what we think we know about life, ourselves and others. Often we can be very sure that something really is one way and truly only see it this one way, even find lots of evidence that it really is just this one way, until one day we learn we actually had it all wrong... or we had it really distorted.

The more we are open to learning new perspectives and to challenging our perspectives the more we learn we’ve been living with some sizeable illusions. Unfortunately for some of us these illusions - or quite frankly - these lies we’ve been telling ourselves, have been keeping us small, contracting us, keeping us from becoming more of who we can be, more of who we already are. The voice of our intuition is the voice that allows us to expand, to rise up and to live our best lives.

Commit to the Discovery of You

I believe our purpose for living is to discover ourselves; to uncover that thing within us that we came here to do. There, I said it, I think we all have a purpose. Now, why do so many of us feel so lost when we hear this? Because, it can feel really frustrating and even downright infuriating to even remotely consider this to be true when your ability to perceive this to be true for yourself seems impossible. I think the answer for us all lies, in part, in the fact that “purpose” doesn’t need to mean some spectacular and extravagant life-of-the-rich-and-famous story for every one of us. It just means that there are some things you were born to do and the better the relationship you have with yourself the easier it will be for you to seek, discover and bring life to that purpose (which is often multiple things by the way). Our intuition is always speaking to us about our purpose. So, how do we begin to understand these aspects of ourselves? With a ‘Spiritual Gym’ routine, that’s how.

Now, no need to go from 0 to 10 on this so don’t get all worked up, OK? Start from where you are and build on it. The idea is that we start to carve out more time for ourselves and the direction we want to take with our lives. What does this look like? Well, for you it looks like whatever feels right for you. Try not to be too rigid around this. A good place to start is to simply decide that this needs to happen. Decide that you will do this. Because many of us are just going and going and going and it’s all that we can do to get it all done - then we are wiped. How can we add one more thing??? But, your ability to get a handle on the demands of your life and what to take and what to leave lies in this every day ritual to just connect with yourself. There are countless ways that you can do this and the common denominators when you do this are (1) you are being mindful, (2) you are getting quiet, (3) you are clearing your mind of all the shoulds and have tos, (4) you are open to receive. When we are being mindful we are simply in the present. We are not thinking about the past, preparing for the future, or allowing the thoughts in our minds to be the truth because they are just thoughts and you are not your thoughts. My mentor Jon Kabat-Zinn has taught me a lot around this and he really is one of the master teachers of mindfulness - he's been teaching it for over 50 years!! Bless him. I highly recommend you seek him out if you want to learn more about meditation and how to

be mindful. When we get quiet, we are not multitasking, we are simply performing a task that relaxes us. We are not connecting or engaging with our thoughts, we are allowing thoughts to pass by as they come up. When you do this, you can start to become more present and just connect with yourself and what you are doing, nothing else. It gets easier with practice. So, what are we doing when we get quiet? Again, this depends on you.

Here are some of the greatest ways that I know of to get quiet: meditation of course, yoga, journaling, taking up a hobby, doing anything creative like painting, making music, or building something, walking, exercising, bike riding, taking a hot bath, a sauna, and even every day chores can be a form of meditation and mindfulness. For example, when you are cooking, just cook....connect with the food as it sizzles in the pan, listen to the crisp sound as your knife slices the onion. This list is by no means exhaustive but I hope this gives you an idea of what might work for you. When you spend this kind of special time with yourself, you discover more of who you are, what you want, and what you need. Your intuition will be there waiting for you, ready to speak to you when you get quiet.

Point Yourself in the Direction of your ‘Why’

What do you want? This can be a challenging question to answer for some. Don’t feel discouraged if you find this hard to answer. If you do find it hard to answer then I would say that this is an important area for you to address in your life. There is no right or wrong answer and don’t worry about whether you think it’s possible or not. You can start by first just trying to answer the question and this is a great journaling prompt by the way. Every time you are able to answer this question, ask it again. Keep asking yourself, “What do I want?”, and answering it until you’ve got nothing left to add. What typically happens is that we start to drill down deep into the recesses of our soul and pull out what really matters above all else to us. It’s usually not the car, or the’s usually something much more priceless like freedom, a loving relationship, self-respect, confidence, self-expression, good health, happiness, and safety for example. When you do this exercise, it can start to become clear in what ways you are already on course and in what ways you are off course. This can be uncomfortable. It can shine the spotlight on what might be going on in your life that you’re not happy about. This uncomfortable feeling is the reason why many people don’t like to face these feelings. Because facing these feelings means having to do something about it, and not doing anything about it leads us right back to feeling like we are letting ourselves down and this can be a really difficult feeling to sit with. When we deny ourselves the truth and we turn away from our deepest desires what results is an unfulfilling life and a sad heart. But I can tell you that you can learn to do this exercise without the heavy heart. It needs to be a gentle but aware process. While you are responsible for the choices you have made to date and these choices you’ve made are in part responsible for the life you are living, take power from the fact that in every new moment your choices will continue to shape your future life. You have a lot of control. I also believe strongly that when we make difficult decisions, but decisions aligned with our integrity and our internal compass, we are hugely rewarded. I hope you can find some inspiration in that.

Call on Your Inner Coach

When I am feeling unsure about my abilities, and I want to take action, I have learned to turn to my inner coach. This is what my teacher and mentor Jack Canfield has taught me and this is something that I teach my students. What is the deal with this inner coach? Well, this is very much about staying in your corner and supporting yourself. It's about building in the habit of asking yourself, “Is it true?”, instead of allowing or accepting any form of self-doubt, shame or ridicule to influence your actions. We hold ourselves back from taking action if our limiting beliefs (aka the lies we tell ourselves) start to influence our thoughts and actions. A coach on the other hand reminds you of what you are capable of, what you’ve already done, and encourages you to glean insight from your mistakes. A good friend or loved one can do this for us too

right? You’ve been that cheerleader for someone else haven’t you. So, why is it then that we often don’t do this for ourselves? We are harsh on ourselves right? Ouch! We are harsh. We can be total jerks to the kind of person you wouldn’t dare be in any kind of relationship with yet you spend every day with this person!! But this can change when you learn to call on your inner coach. Your inner coach can help you reframe it all. Your inner coach keeps you empowered and pointed in the direction you need to go in. Your coach rescues you from the tragic outcomes that result from inaction or action influenced by the lies that we tell ourselves. Be the person for yourself that you would be for anyone that you love. It’s about self-respect sister and yeah, it’s a must.

Take Action on Your ‘Why’

Every time I connect with my 'why' (the reason why I want what I want) I feel inspired. Inspiration is a very powerful place to be. It is sacred and it comes from a much higher place within you. When you feel inspired, take note, revel in its beauty and behold the magic of it. I believe we are more authentically ourselves and more powerful when we are inspired. Recall the last time you were inspired. You felt ignited right? Inspiration, much like motivation though, ebbs and flows. We have to work at getting it back and we can do this by connecting with our ‘Why’ often and designing our goals to be aligned with our ‘Why’. But here is a very powerful success secret - it may have already come up much earlier (wink) but it’s worth repeating. When you take action on your goals, the results can inspire and motivate you further. You won’t always be happy with the results of your action but if you ditch your tendency to ridicule and berate yourself when things don’t go the way you had hoped they would, you gain the opportunity to level-up your next effort. Because you now know a little more about what you must and must not do when you make your next attempt. This is why you don’t necessarily need to know how you are going to do something, you just need to start. It’s when you don’t take action, you don’t try, or you don’t start, that you invite back into your heart feelings of grief, isolation, and deep disappointment. Action begets action. Keep taking action on anything and everything, tiny or large, that is aligned with the direction that you want to go in, every day, and watch the magic happen.

Acknowledge Where You’ve Been and What You’ve Done

When I’m feeling a little lost I remind myself that I am taking action and it is my action that feeds my soul and builds my trust in myself. When I feel uncertain, I consider all my options, my overall plan, review it all then I get quiet... and I wait. I listen to any intuitive messages telling me how to proceed when I feel overwhelmed and I pray. I pray to this big Universe and the forces beyond me for support and for guidance. I pray to my Higher Self and with patience I send her love. When I take the time to get quiet I open myself up to receive guidance. I support myself in various other ways too. I revisit my plan and I try to do this from a birds-eye view to see what comes to me. Something that I encourage you to do if you never done this before is to make a list of absolutely every accomplishment you’ve ever had going as far back as you remember. Review the challenges you have faced and how you overcame them. Review what you took laser focus on and tackled with full effort. In what way did you show up for yourself? Acknowledge how far you’ve come to remind yourself that you can and have done hard things and survived - even thrived. Review this list when you begin to question your abilities….when the lies start to get a little too loud.

You see, every able-bodied person’s ability to take action is the same. It is your willingness to do it, and your confidence in yourself to do it, that is the difference. Watch this change when you start making promises to yourself and keeping them. As I move through my own challenges I join you in this effort. You are not alone.

There are lots of people out there in the world taking brave bold action even when they are scared, working on loving and respecting themselves and learning to question and shed the lies. There is no reason why you can’t do and be whatever you strongly feel called to do or be. Just point yourself in the direction and simply decide you’ll do it….even if it means that you’ll be chipping away at it like an ice sculpture with no end in sight. I teach only what I know and what I have lived to experience. I teach all of this to you because I believe in what I am saying with all of me. I also believe in you and it is important to me that you start to believe in you too. Too many of us are letting our lives pass us by, year after year, because we’ve forgotten that we are co-creating and allowed to personalize our lives.

So I invite you to start today by committing to having this special supportive and empowering relationship with yourself. Start to carve out time to get quiet, connect with your Higher Self so that you can tap into your ‘Why’, your purpose, your sacred gifts and your intuition. Commit to showing up for yourself with love and respect, every day, to build trust and turn to your inner coach to help support you with this. Start to shed the self-limiting lies you’ve adopted over the years that don’t align with the person that you want to be and the life that you want to have. Point yourself in the direction that you want to go in, even if you’re not even exactly sure where that is, even if all you have is the essence of it or wordless knowingness of it, and take action every day to stay on course. No tiny effort is too small. Just stay pointed.

I’ve shared with you some of the cornerstones of effective self-leadership and enlightened living that can take you all the way to your greatness. Like every worthwhile relationship, a close and loving relationship with yourself takes work but brings many happy returns. While you cultivate this relationship, over time your ability to hear the voice of your intuition will improve and so will your sense of self-trust. When it comes to your goals, surround yourself with everything and anything that inspires you to stay the course. Of course, I’m always cheering you on and doing all that I can to support your journey as I continue to support my own. Take all that you can from these words I’ve written and if I’ve ignited a tiny fire in you then with hands in the air, I say “Yessssss!!!”.

Wishing you all the best my friend!


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