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Youth and young adult services

Speaking and working with schools and youth/young adult groups is a "soul service" component of my business (I give service in this way and it pleases my soul). 


Our youth need support managing the expectations on them, assistance learning how to build inner fortitude and resilience to show up and face all that they do, and guidance on how to do this authentically so that their goals and aspirations are aligned with who they really are. 


I dedicate a certain amount of my time to this very necessary and very special work for discounted rates.  I create customized workshops, lecture sessions and virtual options for your group based on your/their needs.   


Scroll down to to see the range of topics that I tailor to youth groups of various ages and to access my booking form.


Any questions?  Feel free to contact me directly using my contact form below.

Smiling Student


Youth Services Video
You Have All that You Need to Succeed

We'll explore how to access our internal assets like creativity, imagination, intuition, reasoning and will power, and how these aspects of us are always available to us and always serving us if we learn to pay attention. 


We'll then look at how these aspects of us can be accessed and honed for our benefit to support our authentic success.

Direction Signs
unleash the power of goal setting

Goal setting, and the steps that follow to act on our goals, is an art.  So is "failing".


We'll look at why we should set goals, how to set goals, and what to do with our goals once we've set them to maximize our success.  We'll also look at failure - fear of failure and ways to reframe failure to promote resilience.

Crossing the Finish Line
managing fear and self-doubt so you can shine 

Fear distorts the truth about who we are and what we are capable of.  Many of us are living with fear and it shows up in our lives as excessive worry, self-doubt, anxiety, isolation, hopelessness, anger, and rumination.  Fear hides in the background of our lives and it is all around us.  It alters our sense of self and our sense of safety enough to limit our progress. 


We'll look at why we have fear and what to do with it so we can shift our perspective and take bold, brave action in our lives.


Aaahhhhh, breathing.  It seems like the simplest thing.  We rarely even think about it.  It happens all on its own and we take it for granted.   Unfortunately, most of us are not breathing correctly, or effectively, and this affects our sense of wellbeing and our physical health. 


How we breathe is how we feel and how we feel is how we breathe.  We'll look at the science of breathing, how to optimize our breathing and effective breathing techniques that can support us physically, mentally and emotionally.

Be clear why you're here

With all of the messaging in the world, and all of the pressure we feel, it's difficult to feel connected with our purpose and reason for being here.  


We'll look at how to unveil the aspects of us that we want to express in this life and how weaving these aspects of us into our everyday lives leads to joy, fulfillment and success. 


Creative Working
release the brakes

When we carry limiting beliefs about ourselves and what is possible for us, it holds us back.  It's akin to trying to move our car forward with its emergency brake on.


We'll look at strategies on how to disengage from limiting beliefs and to engage instead with practices that support our motivation and our will to succeed on our own terms.


Active lifestyle
Go within, get ahead

We live in an overly distracting world and it disconnects us from our ability to clear our minds, to focus, and to find flow state  - all of which are necessary for us to problem solve, create, innovate and be productive.  


We'll dig in on how cultivating a relationship with ourselves using various practices like quiet contemplation, creative expression, formal and informal meditation and mindfulness, can reconnect us with our internal assets that support us in reaching our goals so we can thrive in the world today.

Beach Chairs
using daily visualizations and affirmations to excel

Our subconscious mind stores up to 10 million times more content than our conscious minds and it influences how we think, how we feel and what we pay attention to.


We actually think in pictures and our minds don't know the difference between a real or an imagined event.  We'll look at the science behind why daily affirmations and visualizations actually work and how practicing them daily can support our success. 


Eyes Closed


Workshops are customized to the needs and age-group of the participants and run from 2-4 hours in length.  They are more experiential in nature than the speech in-services and are designed using an adult learning format that targets attitudes, skills and abilities.   The primary objective is to impart knowledge that is transformational in nature so that new attitudes can be adopted.  The second and third objective are to work to develop the participants in a way that leaves them empowered to take action by imparting skills and building their abilities.  This is done by introducing opportunities to interact and engage with the knowledge provided in these sessions as well as practice techniques learned in the workshops.   Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic exercises combined with practical skills training leave the participants with a good understanding of the material as well as new skills to utilize outside of the session in their own lives.  

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